
Omnium Rerum Principia Parva Sunt

Welcome to a work in progress

Like the Razor's sharp edge is difficult to traverse, the path to one's Self is difficult.

Katha Upanishad, 1.3.14

All beginnings are humble, especially for an artist. The road to art is the one filled with sweat, tears, and heartaches (among other secondary concerns like making the rent and keeping the lights on). It sounds quite maudlin and clichéd, but having gone through the process I can vouch that there's an archetypal truth to this voyage. If there's one thing this journey is about more than anything, however, it's self-discovery. You keep on peeling the layers of your own consciousness until you reach the bottom of your true self. After all, the hero in the mythic journey returns with treasure only after going into the cave full of perils and confronting his worst fears. Therefore, as I lurch into the cave, all I ask from you is your patience until I return with the treasure (or perish trying).

Yours Truly


Say Hello!

(A bit of work, I know. But all the pieces are here only, I promise)

Over-thinking, over-analyzing separates the body from the mind

Acta est Fabula, Plaudite!